Sunday, October 31, 2010


I am experimenting tonight with my picture uploading. my friend suggested I try picasa so tonight I think I will. I am crossing my fingers this works well for me.

Here is more Halloween costumes. My sister Kristy has lived in Utah for the last 9 years or so. My other sister Kim has only been here a little over a year and I only lived here for 4 months when Cody and I first got married. I have ALWAYS thought the women here have a strange fashion sense. In fact my husband live here his whole life until we moved to Texas 6 and a half years ago and he hates it too. We call the "bump" on the back of the head with hair "Utah hair" :) Don't be offended if this is you I am talking about....if you live here it's normal. If you don''s not. haha They have BIG hair in Texas too, it is just a different kind of big. ANY WAYS My sister Kim, the one who has lived here a year or so, decided to be a Utah Housewife for Halloween and it was hilarious. We do however realize that no one but US got it, and most people probably thought she looked cute. heehee Here is a picture of her "costume"

I have another picture of her whole body on my phone I will email myself later so I can post. She also has the skinny jeans on with boots on top of them and a huge black leather purse! You can't tell in the picture but her hair is HUGE up top and she was a bunch of Twilight pins on her shirt. She also painted her nails a dark color. Tyler kept asking her, "Aunt Kimmie where is your costume" We kept trying to explain it but it was lost on him! haha

Picasa wouldn't work for me either...I just can't figure computer crap out I guess so I switch it back to the old up loader. I am SAD about it because it makes the pictures so much smaller BUT I am happy that I can at least put more pictures up with out them being turned the wrong way! Here are a couple more from Halloween

WOW! I forgot how much slower the old uploader is too.....

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