Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Getting Behind

I HATE being behind on my blogs. I say BLOGS because of I have 3 of them. When you have 3 of them plus two kids who are home ALL DAY EVERY DAY and a husband who travels, you are bound to be behind on at least one blog ALL the time. It is annoying but I can't give up on a blog. :) SO that being said I am TRYING to get some projects up on here over the next day or two. We are leaving Thursday afternoon and will be gone all weekend and then Tuesday my baby is having some minor plastic surgery done and I have NO IDEA what that or the recovery will be like. And then just a 2 weeks after that I am leaving for 2 MONTHS to visit my family in Utah! YIPEE! I am SO excited about this. There will be lots going on while I am there and the trip really couldn't have come at a better time.

SO here is a project I recently did. EASY project. My son has been obsessed with Batman because they were doing Batman stuff at McDonald's. We went yard saling a few Saturdays ago and we found a Batman shirt but 50 cents but it was a 3t. My kid doesn't even wear "t" sizes any more. I decided to buy it any ways and was going to make a pillow or a bag for him. I wasn't really satisfied with either of those projects and my husband mentioned, "Why don't you just cut the Batman symbol out and sew it on a new shirt?" BRILLIANT I tell you! So I went to the dollar store, bought a black shirt and then sewed the Batman symbol on it. Tyler went nuts over it! He wore it 2 days in a row and I finally made him take it off. Then I washed it and he wore it again. It is hard to see in pictures because it is black but here it is

I really like how it gives the shirt a little something because the decal gives it a three dimension with the sides coming off. Any ways. My kid is BEGGING to use the computer and I need to shower so we can get ready to go to story time at 11. I am crossing my fingers that the stars align and I am able to post more this afternoon during nap time. So stay tuned for more...

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