Monday, August 2, 2010


Blogging is so much fun! I just love it. I love getting to "meet" new people and make new friends and get all sorts of ideas for sewing, crafting, organizing, cleaning, cooking and even spiritual guidance. I MUST love blogging since I have THREE BLOGS! I'm a blog whore, what can I say. I have a family one where I post lots of pictures and stories and things all from our family life. Then I have a photography one for pictures so I don't bore people who don't want to look through 25 pictures in a row of the sunset! haha And lastly, this one for everything else. Ironically, I started this one because I wanted somewhere to bitch and moan about things that I didn't feel right about posting on our FAMILY blog. Then the more I got into sewing, I decided it was probably annoying for those wanting to keep up with the family and had to read through post after post about all the purses I was making. This has kind of turned into my sewing/crafting blog but it is actually supposed to be a place for me to come and put anything related to ME! That is why I named it, Something About Katie.

Any ways, I am honored when really talented people with 300 plus followers find my blog worth reading. Staci over at Just Sew Sassy has feature my scripture case and now has given me a blog award! YEAH! How fun is that?! I am honored to receive it and happy to pass it along to others.

The rules of this award are simple:

1. Thank the person for the award
2. Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using five (5) words.
3. Pass it on to 10 other blogs which you feel have real substance.

Thank you Staci! I appreciate it mucho! And 5 words to sum up blogging for me....

motivational, learning, FUN, uplifting and Hard-work!

I do not know if I can name 10 blogs because I only follow so many and most of the ones I follow and hugely popular ones but I will give it a try.

1. Sugar Bananas
2. Home Grown Style
3. Sometimes Creative
4. Make It Perfect
5. TinySeamstree
6. Sanity Is Overrated ( Hilarious blog )
7. My Owl Barn
8. House of Sagar
9. 3 Four and Under
10. Patchwork Possibilities

YEAH I DID TEN! WOO HOO These are blogs with more then one thing to offer. REAL SUBSTANCE. Go check them out for some eye candy and a good read. :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! You sweet friend. This is so super fantastic. I am honored that you even read, and passed this on to me. I LOVE IT!

    I love your blog SO MUCH and I think you are lovely.

    Thanks for being a friend!

    Love ya!
