Saturday, July 17, 2010


I finished my new scripture case! WOO HOO Thank goodness since I need it for church tomorrow. Well....need is such a tricky word. haha I start my new calling tomorrow which happens to be the gospel doctrine teacher. For those who have no clue what that means, it basically is a 40 minute class for the adults and this years class is on the Old Testament! Lucky me. I am terrified so cross your fingers for me y'all!

I think it turned out cute. The fabric I used was really busy so I decided not to do the ruffle on this one like I did on my other one. I did take pictures and tried to write down the steps and measurements so I can do a tutorial. CROSS YOUR FINGERS I get it done tomorrow night. My in laws are coming tomorrow and will be here for a couple of days but I am going to be sleeping on the couch so it MIGHT actually help me get it done quicker. Happy Sunday ( tomorrow ) Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Cute scripture case! Good luck with your calling. That is one that would really intimidate me!
