Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Couple of Things

Anyone interested in doing an ART EXCHANGE? I need 6 people and if I don't get anyone it will be SO sad. If you are interested, leave me a comment with an email address if I don't already have it or if it is not attached to your blogger account. The ART can be anything from a hand made card, a picture, a sewed item, jewelry, a broach...whatever is your crafty, artsy vibe. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

Pictures of some crafty stuff coming later on tonight when I actually have time. Right now I wanted to share a thought. Why on earth do we put up with and even encourage last minute people?! Seriously...when scatter brain, last minute people ask us to do something unreasonable for them because they need help. WHY?! Usually it is because we care about whatever it is they put off doing and know if we don't help, it will hurt someone else. That is why I was up late making cupcakes at the last minute for a baby shower today. Not because the person throwing the shower waited until the last minute and I feel bad she can't do it all by herself, but because I care about the person whose shower it is. It frustrates me though because it probably encourages the scattered brained to keep on being that way cause they know people will help them. I better get a good thank you when it is over. So who wants to see a picture or two of the mother to be?

The skull shoes were awesome! And I am not just saying that because I was wearing the exact same shoes! haha

Check out this picture

I had this picture up on my lap top and was working on it. Tyler came over and said, "EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" This is his primary teacher at church and her husband comes into class and helps her a lot. I thought that was funny. Here are a couple more of my favorites

On a side note, I get to pick up my husband from the air port tomorrow! YIPEE! I haven't seen him for two weeks. I LOVE getting to pick him up...


  1. It doesn't look like anyone is jumping at the chance but I will do the art exchange. Let me know if you get 5 others.

  2. Hey Katie, you might want to make the art exchange a separate post. I seriously had forgot about it by the time I finished reading all the rest of the blog, until I saw Kim's comment. I will do it if you can't find anyone else.... but my "art" would probably suck in comparison since I'm not that artsy.

  3. The art exchange sounds interesting. What would that entail?
