Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So Wednesday's are mine and Cody's designated "date" night. When I say date night, I really mean play night. haha We don't actually go any where. When we put the kids to bed we go shower RIGHT AWAY and then we have alone time. This has done wonders for us. Some time's it is SO late when we get to bed that we end up kissing goodnight and going right to sleep. Not that we were doing this a LOT but since Kayla our "alone time" has gone down a lot. Once we talked about having Wednesday nights be OURS we forgot about it. The last couple of weeks we have been doing it again and it has been so wonderful. So you know what tonight is right?! Wednesday! YEAH! So I will not be able to post the blog I have had written in my head for the past two days. It will have to wait until tomorrow or possibly Friday. BUT I did want to inform everyone that I FINALLY got some more pictures up in my ETSY site. Go check them out please. I am thinking of having a canvas give away. I have some pictures already printed out I was thinking of giving away. Let me know if any one thinks that sounds like a good idea or not. Would you be interested in winning one?

Alright, have a GREAT Wednesday everyone...I know I will. heehee