Sunday, June 27, 2010


I love spiders. Well....let me re-phrase. I LOVE spiders as long as they are not in my house, car or crawling on me. I think they are the coolest looking things ever. A while ago I was in an antique shop and found a spider charm for a necklace. It was SO cute but I am kind of a cheapo and didn't want to pay the 16 dollars for it especially seeing as thought I would still have to get a chain for it. I would go to the antique store and look at it. I did this several times and one day I finally decided to get it. It was going to be mine. I am SO glad I did because they lady who rang it up was really sad I was buying it because she was planning on buying it after she got off of work that day. Heehee Sucka

Friday I guess I was feeling really spider-y here is my necklace

I also wore an old hair thing I bought when I was in high school. Check it out

I read a blog about doing a self portrait and I wanted to try....not sure how I feel about it so I need to try again sometime but this is all I have had time for lately.

I have a lot of stuff to do before our trip this week. I can't wait to go back to Utah. we are only going to be gone for a week this time and we are going to do lots of hiking and picture taking! WOO HOO I finished the purse for my mom too and I promise tomorrow to upload some pictures. Happy Sunday everyone!!

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