Sunday, June 13, 2010

Don't Be Jealous

So my SIL had a birthday yesterday and I was trying to think of something cute, useful and something she could use that I could make. I ALWAYS do things with photography PLUS her husband is having me do a photography project for him to give to her some time next week, so I FOR SURE didn't want to do anything with pictures. Finally, I came up with something. A scripture cover or Bible cover for the non-Mormons out there. I hadn't made one yet and I have been wanting to make one for a couple of months. I was going to do one for Tyler to match the bow tie I made him but I started doing other projects and forgot about it.

Any ways...I was on a mission and I think the cover I made turned out SO cute. In fact I told my husband, "I think I will make these for Christmas presents this year!" I went on and was looking around at the ones on there. I wanted mine to be original and not ONE I saw on looked like mine when it was done. How cute is this?

I love the colors! As you can see this is the left over fabric from the tank top I made Kayla while in Utah. I also wasn't sure if the flower would be too much so I put it on a brooch pin so my SIL can take it off if she wants to. I also put in two pencil holders on the inside

And then I made a tie for the top to close it. I thought about doing Velcro but I knew if she wanted to open her scriptures when it was quiet, it would be loud.

After church was over I asked Stacie if any one tried to steal her scriptures at church and she laughed and told me "everyone tried to steal them!" Which is why I named this blog post, "Don't be jealous!" I was thinking of doing a tutorial on this. Would it be helpful at all or would any one even like to see one? There are a couple out there so if you look it up you might be able to find one you like. So do you want to know the funny thing? At the last minute I cut some of it down before I sewed it together because I freaked out and thought it was gonna be too big. Yeah, it ended up being JUST the right size which would have been perfect except you are SUPPOSED to do a to stitch all the way around to sew the hole closed from turning the cover right side out! So what was a girl to do.....I FREAKING USED MY GLUE GUN! HAHAHA You can't tell at all looking at it or even touching it but how ghetto am I?

The flower and the ruffle are what made this one different from all the ones on which I think make it so adorable. I am thinking about making some to sell on shall see. Hope everyone had a great Sunday! I FINALLY got to go to church for the first time in almost 2 months. I can't believe I was in UTAH for a month and didn't set foot in a Mormon church. LAME!

Thought I'd link to some parties this week!
Get Your Craft On at TodaysCreative Blog



  1. OH! I am jealous! IT's so cute!

  2. So jealous! I have been wanting to make me one just havent gotten around to it. Love your fabric too! Found you on Sugar Bee craft...following now. Come visit me @

  3. It turned out great! I don't blame everyone for being jealous!

  4. Would love it if you would join me for my 2nd linky party tonight!!


  5. I love this! How super-cute is that?? :)

  6. I am jealous!!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Pajama Party at Life In My Pjs!!


  7. Did you use a pattern? Or maybe you can do a little tutorial?

  8. Joy, I am getting ready to go on a week long vacation and am trying to make a purse for my mom. If I have time before I leave I will TRY to do a tutorial. Thanks for asking!!
