Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rise and Shine

I started the day off great waking up early and showering with my husband before he went to work. That was fun. Normally I don't get up until 7:30 or so and he gets up about 6ish. It was nice having the extra time and getting to see him before he left. While using some of my free time this morning I was looking through my dashboard and found this cute post for mothers day HERE Go check it out because it gives TONS on tutorials for MOMS! Including some cute purses which is my obsession. I still have to make mine for my trip coming up and now I have another option. WOO HOO

I hope everyone has a fabulous day! I am off to finish getting ready and then going to take pictures in the blue bonnets with my bestie and our kids. Can I just tell you how happy I get to take pictures. It is so much fun. I LOVE IT!

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