Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is my friend's daughter birthday. I wanted to make her something but wasn't really sure what. About 6 months or so ago she gave me a bag full of clothes for my daughter that didn't fit her girl any more. There was one outfit that was stained but SO cute and she told me she thought I could "do something" with it. I had a couple of ideas but never ended up doing anything. Here is what the outfit looks like

I decided to turn it into a purse. The other thought I had was an apron but the purse ended up being perfect. After I screwed up TWICE on the lining I finally decided to just put bias tape all along the top. At first, I was annoyed but after it was done I love it.

Stupid blogger won't let me flip the picture the other way. BOOOOOOOOOOO

For the inside I made a pocket out of the top of the outfit that I had cut off. I used the collar as a flap. She loves green so I wanted to make it a color she would like. So here is the inside...

Any ways. I LOVE how it came out and I hope she loves it. Happy Birthday Big Girl!

Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

The Trendy Treehouse

Show and Tell Green




  1. Very cute! And what a great way to give new life to a favorite outfit of a baby! :)

  2. I wish I had a little girl - this is perfect

  3. Just found your blog through sewmuchado. I LOVE this purse! Great re-use of such a gorgeous little outfit!


  4. That is just too cute! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Glad you found my Texas-Blogging Gals! Will get you on the next updated list.

    Enjoyed a first visit. Following..........

    Come see me at my personal blog, too, real soon.

  6. That came out way cute!! I love it!!

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! You're so creative :) She carried it around all evening. Thank you so much! My fav part is the buttons on the back - adorable!

  8. Abosolutely adorable! I feel very inspired to make my own now.
    Thank you for sharing :-)


  9. That is adorable! And I use Windows Live Writer (free) to blog now, and it's so much easier!!!

  10. Thanks for all the comments. I thought it came out pretty cute. Sarah I am glad she likes it. I especially liked your brother carrying it for her before we left. It totally brought out the color of his eyes! haha

  11. Oh my goodness! What a great, creative imagination you have! I LOVE it! Thanks soooo much for sharing your creativity with us! Hope you'll come back next week!

  12. You are so clever! I love the flower details!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day! Have a great weekend!

  13. That is super sweet! What a great gift idea for the baby girl!

  14. Thank you for bringing your hodgepodge to the party! Will be drawing the winners soon!

  15. Very cute! I did something similar with my daughter's clothes, too. Great minds think alike! ;)

  16. Wow. Adorable and such a great idea. Feel free to visit me over at Have a great day.

  17. Super creative. love it love it love it!!!!

  18. Wow you have made a lot of purses! I love them! This is great though. What a good idea to make a purse out of a piece of clothing. I just adore the buttons on it. So cute!
