Friday, April 30, 2010

Felt Board

So it's nothing fancy but I made my girl her felt board for the air plane ride tomorrow. I ended up making it like a crayon roll, which my girl LOVES her brothers crayon roll. I took a dish towel from the dollar store that I have been wanting to do "something with" and cut it down the middle. Then I took the seem ripper to the sides and cut a piece of felt the same size. I then placed the felt down on top of the wrong side of the dish towel and folded the sides back down and sewed the felt down.

Then I took the ribbon and figured out where I wanted it sewed down.

I cut out all the felt letters and since I was pressed for time I just threw them in a zip lock baggie, put them on the mat, folded it in half and rolled it up! I think it will be a success on the plane. I will let y'all know. Now hopefully Tyler doesn't fit her for it like I bet he will!!!


  1. I can't wait to hear about your trip. I hope the kiddos did well :)

  2. Hey there! Email me when you get a minute with details for the Texas giveaway. It's almost here!
