Monday, April 5, 2010


I thought doing labels on blogs was really complicated until I tried it. HA It is REALLY easy but I have like 80 blog post to go back through and add labels too. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO So for anyone who follows this blog ( which is only 2 of you! haha ) sorry because I have no idea if it is telling you I updated all these or not. Hopefully it isn't adding every one of these "edits" to your dashboard and if so, I apologize!

Man have I been "OFF" lately. I don't even know what it is exactly but I just have been depressed and having a rough time. It's a bunch of small things all exploding at once because I don't have anything major to complain about so I won't bother you anymore. I know women seem to go through rough patches here and there so I guess I just need to snap out of it. Any suggestions? One of the LAME things is I have been comparing myself to other women. Why do we do this?! It seems to me especially that I do this when I am already depressed or down. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am hoping I can snap out of it long enough to have a good day tomorrow. Here's hoping


  1. Snap out of it B! And stop comparing. I was looking around at Target a week ago, and when I passed the sewing machines I felt like a slacker because I don't sew like you... so we all do it... and we all need to stop. LOL Can't wait for you guys to come visit!!

  2. I get into those funks too. I don't know what it is. I think one way is I tell myself that I don't like feeling that way and that I am going to be happy (force myself to smile and such). I also start naming my blessings, as cheesy as it sounds. I remind myself how blessed I am in having the husband I have, and the best children in the whole world. I try to name my talents that don't seem to be had by everyone else. Also I SHOP, I love how buying myself something great for me or my house makes me feel happy.

  3. I hope you had a nice day today...and hope you're feeling better. Believe me, I know all about rough patches so I'm here if ya wanna talk :)
