Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bestest Purse EVER!

So I found this tutorial HERE and thought, "Hmmmmmm, that could be really cute." Then, my friend Stacey told me, "You know if you make me a bag I will make you something back right?" I mean, whats not to like about that right? I love making purses and I am addicting to making them for people and if I am going to get something in return its a win win! So I had all of these bags in mind for her. Finally I asked her what color she wanted and she said BLACK! I was slightly disappointed until I remembered this bag tutorial I had found and new I could make it cute. I have always had a love for cheetah print. Stacey used to tease me about it and buy me stuff. When she was in college ( she is a year a head of me ) she kept sending me pictures of her in Cheetah print stuff. So I thought I would add a little cheetah print with the black.

It ended up being the cutest bag ever. I would have kept it except I made it especially for her and I wanted a bag that was a little smaller then this. I have to tell you though, the pictures just don't do it justice. That sounds conceded or something but it seriously doesn't look as cool as it does in person. Also note how much skinnier I look in this picture then from a month ago. I have lost 10 pounds and hopefully I will keep on losing! Fingers Crossed

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