Friday, February 26, 2010

Sewing's Fun!

I am so happy and blessed to have a sewing machine! When I was with out one, I was starting to get into the craft blogs and was drooling over all the cute things people were creating with sewing. My friend told me to just get over and get a machine! haha SO I finally did and I have been sewing every since. On days like the one I had yesterday, sewing keeps me from crying! Some times life is hard with kids. It's even harder when your husband travels and you don't always have help. I was dying to get a dr. pepper last night right before bed time. If my husband had been here he would have gladly gone and gotten one but he wasn't. I was tempted but resisted. Thank goodness because about ten minutes later my son had an accident in his pants. It was so frustrating. I put them to bed and began to sew. I am making a purse for some and it is turning out beautifully! I can't wait to finish it today! The night before I did the same thing. I put the kids to bed and sewed for an hour. This is what i sewed then

I even took pictures and wrote down measurements and in a couple of days I will be posting a tutorial! WOO HOO Not only is this little bow tie so cute for boys, but is great in a single layer for girls hair! I made Kayla ( well I started one ) in black for her hair and it is so so so cute! I am excited to show you how to make it because it was super fast too. I think it took me a half an hour tops. I also can't wait to post pictures of the purse I am making. I should be done today so I can mail it off tomorrow. The only thing I hate is waiting for people to get their packages so I can post pictures! She reads this blog some times so I wouldn't want to ruin it for her. SOOOOOO happy sewing everyone. I hope it brings as much happiness to y'all as it does to me.

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