Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I didn't do so hot on my thankful post but i will say this. I should NOT have started it right before Cody was getting ready to go on a trip. We were running around for like 3 or 4 days straight trying to do a bunch of stuff before he left and we were hardly home. I think I will pick up on it again soon and try again. For now I have decided that my crafting stuff will get posted here. I don't want to turn the family blog into the Katie's crafting corner and lately that is what it has been.

I am starting a new purse. Before I went a head and cut into my fabric that I paid a lot of money for, I decided to do a practice run on some scraps I had laying around. It ended up turning out SO cute! haha I love the colors and how everything turned out. This is going to sound mean, and I TOTALLY don't mean for it to be BUT I was going to use a pattern I found on line. Maybe I just got spoiled with the first bag I did because the directions and pictures were amazing, it was hard to mess it up. YOu can find it HERE This is the one I was going to do here and I was really excited about it. Not only is the bag really cute, but there are SO many people making them on line using here directions and I keep finding it on everyone's craft blogs. So I bring up the directions yesterday and start to read them. I get to about the fourth direction down and decided to just make it however I thought it should be. I thought the directions were awful and she didn't even give the measurements for some of the steps which left me guessing and making it up as I went a long any ways. SO really I made this bag all on my own. Here is what I came up with

For the inside I used a fabric that I got for 25 cents recently at a local craft store. When I got it home and opened it up it had a HUGE permanent marker #7 with a big circle around it RIGHT in the middle of the fabric. Seriously? I guess that is why it was 25 cents. So I used that as the inside lining so it wouldn't be visible any ways. Take it permanent marker! Too bad for me the orange fabric on the outside is really thin so you can still kind of see it through the fabric on the outside! haha Oh well. Like I said it was my practice bag and I have NO IDEA what to do with it now.

NOW, I am about to start on my REAL one. It's for my friends birthday. She doesn't read this so I feel I can tell all. I bought cute Owl fabric since she is my reason for the love of owl's. We had an inside joke about them that exploded into a 8 or 9 year collection of Owls, which will keep on going especially since Owls are so popular now! Who knew that would ever happen. It makes me laugh. Let's hope the "real" bag ends up SUPER cute! So for now I am off to start cutting my fabric and figuring out exactly how I am going to sew it. No pattern here this time and if you know the person who invented the other one, I was not trying to be rude I swear! It just didn't do me any good and I am sure half of that is because I am not an experienced sewer yet. So for those who are, try her pattern and let me know how it goes. :)

1 comment:

  1. That is really cute. I have a sewing machine that I have never used and you make me want to get it out and learn.
