Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sock Monkey and New Purse

So my SIL made a sock monkey for her daughter for Christmas last year and I thought it was such a cute idea. I had been wanting to do it but didn't have a sewing machine and so on. Well once I got a machine I started looking at socks. I found skull and cross bone ones at our walmart and new I HAD to get them for the monkey. I read the direction and thought, "Well this should take me an hour tops!" Holy crap was I WRONG! I worked on it forever yesterday and FINALLY finished it at like 11:30! Tyler kept asking me if it was done so I wanted it to be finished when he woke up. I was originally making it for Kayla but I think it has officially been taken over by Tyler. So what do you think?

Also, I finished Myra's purse. Good thing too since TODAY is her birthday and I still have to mail it to her! haha What do you think? I just made it up as I went along and I think the finish product is cute. I am thinking about making one for me too. And I LOVE the fabric.


  1. She will love it! Of course it is an Owl purse. :)

  2. That is soooo cute! You are getting so good at that sewing stuff! Go Katie!
