Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Girl

We have been super busy lately!  I have been doing lots of projects and trying to not go TOO crazy with everything going on.  I started to exercise with a group of ladies from church three times a week and it has been keeping me pretty busy.  It takes up almost the whole morning each time we meet but I am feeling much better about myself and feeling good.  The days we do not get together I work out by myself at home.  The other day I ran 4 miles on my elliptical without stopping.  I have NEVER done that before.  I usually do 3 miles and I usually stop a million times.  haha

A couple of weeks ago something happened to me I wanted to share with you.  It is personal and not crafty related.  BUT it is entertaining!  My sweet little baby girl KNOCKED HER FRONT TOOTH OUT!  I was DEVASTATED!  Is it sad that I kept thinking, "Why couldn't it have been my SON?"  haha  Boys are supposed to have teeth missing but not sweet little baby girls.  I cried...a bunch that night but by the end of the next day I just loved her that much more.  Her is a picture of her right before she went to be that night.

She was still smiling and waiting for the tooth fairy to come.  The tooth fairy felt so bad that she knocked her tooth out she gave her extra money!  ;)   My poor daughter had a lisp BEFORE she knocked the tooth out so you could only imagine that got much worse.  Despite it all I just love her to death and I think it has made her even more adorable!  Check out this other picture I got of her last Sunday after church

 Gotta love her!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hair clips

So a LONG time ago it seems I was very into making hair clips.  It really has been a while since I made hair clips for babies.  I took pictures for someone's baby shower last month and so I brought a hair thing to give her.  She thought it was so cute she asked for my etsy web address and then ordered 4 more clips from me.  When I showed up at her house with the hair clips she handed me some flowers and a felt cupcake she found in the dollar section at Michael's.  She asked me if I could make her some more clips with the flowers she got.  So I got right to work....okay really it took me about a week or two to get around to it.  haha  The baby isn't born yet and isn't due for another couple of weeks.  I have to show you one of the headbands I made though because it is so cute.

Isn't it cute?  I hate it sitting on my ugly ironing board but I was in a hurry when I took them.  :)  She asked me if a couple of them could be Velcro hair clips.  I hadn't done those before but it was SO easy!

You just open it up and put the one side under a section of hair and then velcro it closed.  Easy right?  And what a great way to do hair clips that aren't going to bug little babies heads, or for babies with hair not quit long enough for alligator clips.

I totally didn't take a picture of the rest of the stuff I made her but oh well.  Now you can see that I HAVE been working on stuff and I haven't just been sitting around all the time not blogging.  I haven't been able to get myself back into blogging after we moved.  Before we moved I was already having a hard time.  Then the internet wouldn't work and now I have just gotten out of the habit.  I really haven't been working on as much stuff either.  What has messed me up the most was I ALWAYS blogged first thing in the morning. That is when I always browsed all the blogs I loved too.  I would get the kids up and get us all breakfast and then we would sit on the couch together for an hour or so watching cartoons while I had my lap top on my lap either writing a blog, or browsing other blogs.  Now we have to get ready for school as soon as I get him up and so there goes my blogging and browsing time.  My sons school starts so late and it kinda kills the morning.  I haven't also started something new I am really excited about.  No it is not ANOTHER crafty project!  I think I am busy enough between the sewing, crafting and crocheting for now.  I have started exercising a couple of times a week with some ladies from church.  My body hurts so bad this week but I don't even care because it would be so wonderful to be in shape again.

So for now, the blogs will continue to be a "whenever I can manage to sit down and write one"  thing.  Some weeks will be better then others but for now it will have to do.

What has everyone else been working on lately?  Anything for Easter?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Buttercup Bag

I haven't made the buttercup bag in a while.  I decided about a year ago to actually buy the pattern with the license to sell it, then never made it.  Sometimes I do silly things like that.  I have had "plans" but just never did it.  SO, a friend had a birthday and I thought I'd better make her something.  I decided to do a purse for her and so I busted out with the enlarged version of the buttercup bag.  I found this cute fabric at walmart and I think it turned out really cute.

I didn't want the inside to be JUST black so I put a strip of the polka dot fabric just at the top of the pocket.  I love how the inside turned out.

I like the light blue flower too.  It gave just the right tough to finish it off.   I hope you like it Kerry!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cupcake Hat

So who here follows the blog U-create?  I'm sure a lot of you do.  It's such a great blog.  I found a tutorial for a cupcake crochet hat on there and decided to make it for a friends baby shower.  I didn't realize that it was going to be a little challenging for me!  He had some stitches I had never done before but once I looked them up on youtube, I was good to go.  Here is how it came out

See that bottom part right there?  That is the part that had me looking up stuff to see how to do it.  I had never done the back stitches before.  It was very easy, you just have to pay very close attention to what you are doing or I guarantee you will mess up!   So who else wants to make one?  It was really quick just so everyone knows so give it a try.  Here is the link HERE  Also I have a bunch of other cute crochet projects pinned on my "crochet" pinboard if you want to take a look HERE   I am SLOWLY trying to do as many of them as I can.  :)  What have y'all been working on lately?  I have many more projects that I FINALLY got pictures loaded for so in the next day or two I will try and post some more. Happy Saturday everyone!!!