Sunday, January 29, 2012

Coconut Oil Remix

So almost a year ago I started my coconut oil kick!  I LOVE THIS STUFF!  Just now while browsing pinterest I found a blog post that list 160 uses for coconut oil.  Seriously guys.  READ THIS ARTICLE!  It talks about using it as a nipple cream, lubricant, and face moisturizer to helping cancer, sunburns and toenail fungus.  This stuff ROCKS!  It's magical and we should ALL be using it!  Take a look HERE

Air Freshener

So we all know the baking soda deodorizes right?  Well, while at a friends house once I noticed she had a mason jar with baking soda in it with holes poked in the shape of a heart on the top.  Hmmmmmm.  I wondered what it was but never asked.  then I started noticing them on pinterest.  I finally decided to try it. So here is what you do.

Take a mason jar.

Add baking soda.

Add essential oil.  I used cinnamon but you could use anything.

I added a LOT!  Like 15 drops or so.

Put the lid on.  Take a hammer and a nail and poke holes in it.  You can make a shape or just poke away  randomly.  I copied my friend and did a heart.  In case you are wondering, I am talking about you Amanda!  haha

Then I placed it in my kids bathroom.


Every time I go into their bathroom,  I just shake the jar around a bit and the whole bathroom smells of cinnamon.  AWESOME.

Cheap, easy and no chemicals.  That's my kind of fresh air.

Try'll love it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crochet CRAZY!

Why do I feel the need to be obsessed with things as I am learning them?  My newest since November has been crocheting and I am telling you I have gone crochet CRAZY!  But I LOVE it and I am loving all of the things I have been making.  My daughter turns 3 on Sunday and so Friday we are having a princess party.  I was going to crochet princess crowns for her friends but I think I have run out of time to do that.  HOwever, I got hers done today and put little pearls in it and it turned out SO cute!  I love it.

She would NOT model it for me ( she is s stinker like that some times ) so I promise it looks much cuter on.  I have also been doing a lot of hats.  I am LOVING the hats!  Check out these ones I just crocheted this weekend and put in my etsy shop.

Okay so this first one I actually made for ME but it was too small for my huge head.  Just barely too.  If my hair was long I could get away with it but it's short and looked funny.

This next one is so cute!  It is a new born one and is so tiny.  I love the HUGE bow on it and I am loving the grey and yellow together.

And lastly a toddle size hat.  I love the yellow and white together.  This hat was pretty easy to make so I think I will be making more in different colors for my shop.  I might try and make one of these ones for me.

So please tell me I am not the only one who becomes obsessed with things when you first start learning them?  Pretty please.....


My mom and dad came to visit along with my sister Kim and her baby Jacob. We had lots of un and ate way to much food.  It was great.  While they were here we went to go visit my Grandma who lives a little over an hour or so away from me in a nursing home.  My grandma wears a wig and she used to always wear a fake flower in it.  SOOOOO  my sister thought it would be fun to make her a bunch of flower clips to bring her.  The night before we went to see her we put the kids to bed and then made some hair clips for her.  We also made some for her roommate because we didn't want her to feel left out!  :)

Check out what Grandma scored.

The white one with the blue in the middle and the pink felt one were for her roommate but the rest were for grandma.  My favorite's were these three 

Kim made the last one.  So we are hoping she is wearing them and that all of the other old ladies are jealous!  haha  Hopefully we can get grandma a man.  Love ya grandma!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Every once in a while I used to add quotes I liked to my blog. I haven't done this in forever.  I didn't get anything else blogged the other day and now my parents are on their way and I have been trying to get things super clean. It is the first time my family will be able to see my new house.  I am excited.  As I was cleaning I found this quote from a lesson at church a couple of weeks ago.  I can not say who said this because it isn't on the slip on paper so if any one knows who said it let me know and I will add it.  Any ways  Here is the quote!  ENJOY

The "what" and "how" of obedience mark the way and keep us on the right path.  The "why" of obedience sanctifies our actions, transforming the mundane into the majestic.  It magnifies our small acts of obedience into holy acts of consecration.   

I think this was from Presidents Uchtdorf's talk about the forget me nots.  :)  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why Hello

It has been almost ONE MONTH since I blogged.  Let me just tell you that I didn't plan that.  IN fact I have at LEAST 3 blogs that I took pictures for and never posted.  Ever since we moved we have had major problems with our internet.  I would get to the end of my blog and hit the publish post button and the internet would stop working and I would lose it.  It was very frustrating, not to mention a big fat waste of time to sit around and write a post to not have to save or publish.  BUT we think we have got it all squared away now.  My problem now is getting back into the habit of posting.  It's not that I do not have projects going on.  I have had many finished projects.  Those I have pictures of I will slowly start to post.  My project for today is an ear warmer.

I made this for my sister using an old Old Navy sweater.  I cut it up and sewed it together to make the ear warmer part.  Then I put two buttons on it which are a pretty pale yellow ( LOVE yellow and grey together ) and then made a crochet grey flower.  I LOVE how it turned out.  She walks daily with her best friend Liz and so I made them both ear warmer's for Christmas.  Hopefully they enjoy them and use them on their walks to keep those ears warm.

Now here's hoping I can get some more stuff up.  My parents and sister and her baby are coming tomorrow and will be here until Tuesday so I am hoping that maybe I can get a bunch of stuff posted today and scheduled for them to post through out the weekend.  Crossing my fingers!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.